Book review
Title The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Volume 58
Author Wagner, M., & Lambert, S.
Page 61

Currently, more than 5,300 grades of synthetic polymers have been produced for our convenience and have unfortunately become the source of emerging environmental pollutants. Small fragments of plastic debris are called microplastics and the knowledge of its contamination in freshwater ecosystems was very scarcein contrast to the inordinate amount of plastic being discarded. This book gave a brief overview on what plastics were, their origin, and where they end up in the environment. The authors also presentinteresting conflictsregardingmicroplastic and nanoparticle scienceand make an effort to learn from past experiences.  The gaps in knowledge and further researchtopicsincluding major advances and challengesare proposed in an interesting manner. However, many issues such asthe effects on freshwater biota and ecosystem were not scrutinized due to its sensitive nature.This book alsocontainscase studies from Europe, Asia, and Africa. The last part of the book focuses on the interaction of microplastics and the society including sociological perspectives on the risk perception, media and politics associated with microplastics.  Finally, the authorsconclude the book with an outlook providing solutionsto theenvironmental plasticenigma. This book is recommended for students, environmentalists, academicsand researchers whowant to increase their knowledge and aid their search for “need of the hour” research topics. The book can also benefit the general public to gain understanding of current environmental situations.

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