Original article
Title Thrusts and Programs Implementation of Student Affairs: Bases for Program Enhancement for Student Welfare and Development
Author Jose N. Magbanua , Jelyn O. Alentajana & Edenia M. Egualanb
Page 21-27


This study aimed to find out the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of thrusts and programs of student affairs of state universities and colleges in Panay Island, Philippines. This study involved 105 respondents from 14 campuses. Data were gathered using a validated survey questionnaire validated with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.75. Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze all descriptive data, and t-Test and Kruskal-Wallis H-Test were used as inferential statistical tools for the independent samples. The findings showed that student welfare and student development programs were "beneficial and available to all students," except for housing which was beneficial and available to most students. When respondents were grouped by the type of campus, type of institution, and SUC level, both the main campuses and the external considered both student welfare and student development programs as beneficial and available to all students. The exception was for the economic venture, food and nutrition, medical/dental, housing, special needs, and development of students' publication which were not beneficial for the external campuses. In terms of the efficiency and effectiveness of program implementation, the level was "very high." No significant difference was observed for the level of efficiency and effectiveness of program implementation between groups. Therefore, it is suggested there should equal disbursement of programs and resource to state universities and colleges since both have the same capacity to implement programs. Attention should be given to the external campuses regarding housing, economic venture, medical/dental, special needs, and publication and sports development for student development.

Keywords: thrusts and program implementation, students affairs, students welfare and development, programenhancement

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